Please share your feedback and leave us a review on G2.

It only takes a few minutes!


FAQs on how to leave us a review:

Question 4 (What is your primary role when using Etail?):
If you are a customer of Etail: Please select "User"

Question 5 (For which purposes do you use Etail?):
Please select as many of these categories that apply to your use of Etail's products/platforms:

- Omnichannel Commerce
- Drop Shipping
- Multichannel Retail
- E-Commerce Analytics
- Online Marketplace Optimization Tools
- 3PL
- Demand Planning
- Order Management
- Retail DOM
- Logistics Intelligence

Question 13 (Are you a current user of Etail?):
If you are an Etail customer, please answer YES.

Question 23 (What was the URL of the organization where you most recently used Etail?): 
Please provide your company's website address so we can verify your review.

Question 36 (Are you affiliated with the product you are reviewing or the company that makes it?):
Please answer NO.

Question 37 (Allow my review to show my name and face in the G2 community): 
ALL Reviewers: Please answer YES so we can share your review on our profile.


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What does G2 look for when approving reviews?

  Make sure your G2 review meets these components:

Verification of Company: via LinkedIn authentication or through business email

Verification of Professional Use: Confirm that you’re not using the product for a trial/promotional
period, student purposes, or leveraging the product for personal (non-professional) use

Quality Content:
- Relevance of review content
- Substance of review content

Authentic and Original Content:
-Confirms the likelihood that you use the software you are reviewing
-Confirms the review contains unbiased and authentic first-hand user experience of the product or service 

Etail is a well-built service for e-commerce companies looking to expand their online channels and streamline their inventory and order processing. Having a dedicated account manager allows you to tailor your needs and investigate areas where you may be missing sales. One key benefit of choosing EVP over other ERP systems is the ability to customize to your business's needs. This customization gives you the flexibility to create a system that is perfect for you and not just an average out-of-the-box solution that may be missing critical needs of your company..

Steven T., Small Business Etail Solutions Customer